Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Indonesian Journal of Area Development and Policy (IADP) aims to become a world-class journal that publishes original academic research results in the economic, political, cultural and geographic fields that play a fundamental role in shaping and developing regions, cities, rural areas and the relationships between them.

IADP focuses on the results of research examining the role of various institutional configurations and values at the national and regional levels, both Indonesia and other developing and developed countries.

IADP is dedicated to expanding commonalities as well as accepting differences, enhancing mutual communication and enhancing cooperation and shared learning.

To be accepted, a paper must comply with standards and make important and original contributions to this field.

Standard Research Articles (8,000 words) and Review Articles (6,000 words), Indonesian Journal of Area Development and Policy also welcomes the Research Notes (short articles that present original research results and which briefly place research in relation to existing empirical and theoretical literature. ) up to 4,000 words, and Comments (short articles that comment significantly on, or complement arguments and evidence in, a Research Article or Review Article) up to 2,000 words.


Indonesian Journal of Area Development and Policy (IADP) bertujuan untuk menjadi jurnal kelas dunia yang menerbitkan hasil penelitian akademis orisinal dalam bidang ekonomi, politik, budaya dan geografis yang memainkan peran mendasar dalam membentuk dan mengembangkan daerah, kota, daerah pedesaan dan hubungan di antara mereka.

IADP menitikberatkan pada hasil penelitian yang meneliti peran berbagai konfigurasi kelembagaan dan nilai-nilai di tingkat nasional dan regional, baik Indonesia maupun negara-negara berkembang dan maju lain.

IADP berdedikasi untuk memperluas kesamaan serta menerima perbedaan, meningkatkan komunikasi timbal balik dan meningkatkan kerja sama dan pembelajaran bersama.

Untuk diterima, sebuah makalah harus mematuhi standar dan memberikan kontribusi penting dan orisinal untuk bidang ini.

Artikel Riset standar (8.000 kata) dan Artikel Review (6.000 kata), Indonesian Journal of Area Development and Policy juga menyambut baik Catatan Riset (artikel pendek yang menyajikan hasil riset asli dan yang secara singkat menempatkan riset dalam kaitannya dengan literatur empiris dan teoretis yang ada) hingga 4.000 kata, dan Komentar (artikel pendek yang mengomentari secara signifikan, atau melengkapi argumen dan bukti dalam, Artikel Riset atau Artikel Ulasan) hingga 2.000 kata.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

All submitted research is subject to rigorous peer review, involving initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two referees. In the light of the referee reports, contributions will be evaluated and decisions made by a distinguished board of Editors and accepted for publication only if they meet high scholarly standards of originality, significance and rigour in advancing understanding of area development and policy.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...