Perspektif IT Dalam Pengembangan Jabar Selatan: Transparansi Potensi Desa Digital

Komarudin Tasdik, Gunawan Undang


The world is scrambling for dominance in the Indian Ocean, which is a maritime and energy trade route. Since 2011, Indian Navy shipping in the Indian Ocean has grown by 300 percent. India is counterbalancing China's power, which has deployed submarines, both nuclear and conventional, in the Indian Ocean. The Bamboo Curtain country wants to fight Indian influence in the Indian Ocean. Some areas of South West Java are still included in the 3T category: Front, Remote, Disadvantaged, so that access to Information Technology (IT) is not evenly optimal. Their obstacles related to IT include not having adequate equipment, unstable internet connection constraints, the inability to have an internet connection, and there has not yet been a strong and equitable awareness of the importance of using IT. The method used in this research is direct observation of the village, observation of the potentials of West Java, and involves the Geographics Information System (GIS). Optimizing IT is urgently needed in South West Java, among others, to support the digitization of agribusiness and maritime systems at the international level. In order for the use of IT to be right on target to the grass root, it is necessary to digitize the economy and village tourism towards a prosperous, healthy, and landslide-alert community. Considering that the village funds disbursed by the central government are quite large, the transparency of online potential, activities and finances is needed so that the community participates in monitoring them actively. The IT products needed are web, blog, village mobile application, IT infrastructure, and digital money. Web and blogs must be built in an integrated manner with village autonomy because each village has different potentials and innovations. The information system that is built must be able to support the realization of a prosperous village (web e-commere), healthy (expert system), and landslide alert (online reporting application) so that human resources are ready to be competitive.

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