Analysis on Dubbing to Subbing Translation Techniques of DreadOut Video Game.

Mochamad Irvan Putra Raynaldi, Ria Nirwana


This research is entitled Analysis on Dubbing to Subbing Translation Techniques of DreadOut Video Game. The aim of this research is to find the techniques that the translator used to translate the game from Indonesian dubbing into English subtitle, and identifying what kind of technique in the subtitle that most used by the translator. The object analysis of this research is the Indonesian dubbing and English subtitle of the DreadOut video game. The data source of this research is presented as a transcript that delivered in a table of 14 sentences. This research used a qualitative method to obtain the results, because the research is to determine what kind of technique used by the translator to translate the dubbing into subtitle inside the DreadOut video game. The results of this research that not all the technique is used to translate the dubbing into subtitle in the game, such as. dislocation, condensation, and decimation. The most used technique is paraphrase technique that used by the translator for 7 times, followed by transfer technique that used for 2 times, imitation and transcription technique for one time for each one, also there are two cases where the translator is possible using two techniques, either expansion or deletion, and either expansion or resignation.  

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