Firmansyah Nursyamsi, Arry Purnama, Hartono Hartono


This study deals with analyzing language used for communication. It analyzed Jokowi’s speech at SUMMIT APEC, in Beijing from the perspective of SFL especially dealing with system of mood and modality. In other words, this study is about interpersonal meaning of the speech which can be used to dig up speaker’s attitudes and judgments towards what s/he is saying in the speech. In conducting this study, there are two objectives to achieve. The first, this study tried to describe the meaning of Jokowi’s speech based on interpersonal meaning by looking deeply on the mood system in Jokowi’s speech. The second, it also tried to describe how Jokowi influences the audiences through interpersonal meaning by looking deeply on modality. In Jokowi’s speech there are 94 data that found by the researcher. The data itself is realized by system of mood that divided into 78 data of declarative, 1 data of interrogative, and 15 data of imperative. The result of analysis showed that Jokowi mostly useD declarative. Jokowi used declarative because he wanted to share information to the audiences by delivering his speech. The information which is shared is mostly about investment. Jokowi wants the audiences or investors to invest in Indonesia. Besides that, based on data that has been analyzed through modality, the researcher found 29 data in Jokowi’s speech.  The data itself divided into 1 data of usuallity, 12 data of obligation, and 16 Inclination. In Jokowi’s speech, Jokowi mostly used inclination. Inclination occurs when someone has desire to do something for others. It means, Jokowi used inclination to influences the audiences. Inclination itself used to Jokowi to express his wishes. Jokowi wanted an audiences to invest in Indonesia.

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