Riska Ariska, Ria Nirwana, Yeni Dewi Cahyani


This research examined the interpersonal meaning realized in the lyrics of Adele’s album 21. The objectives of this research are to describe the meaning of Adele’s song based on interpersonal meaning by analyzing on the mood system of Adele’s song and to describe how Adele’s song effect the listeners through interpersonal meaning by analyzing on modality. The design of the research was descriptive qualitative. The main source of data in this research were the lyrics in the Adele’s album 21. There were three song lyrics that the researcher analyzed in this research. The results of data analysis there are 144 data in three Adele song lyrics. The data itself is realized by system of mood that divided into 100 data of declarative, 27 data of interrogative and 17 data of imperative. The result of analysis shows that Adele mostly used declarative. Adele used declarative in every song lyrics because Adele wanted to share her story to the listener by delivering her songs. The content of song lyrics are about her love story. Besides that, based on data that has been analyzed through modality, the researcher found 67 data in Adele’s songs. The data itself divided into 1 data of usuality, 55 data of obligation and 11 data of inclination. In Adele’s song, Adele mostly uses obligation. Obligation occurs when someone has ask to do something for others. It means Adele uses obligation to ask the listeners to know something. Adele uses obligation to effect the listener. Obligation used to Adele to express through song lyrics to the listeners for her wishes she has ask to her couple. Adele wants listeners to know that her love story is complicated.

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“Adele’s Song Lyrics 2011.” Data retrieved on February, 15th 2018. 04:01


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