Lea Rosnawati
Life is clean, healthy, happy and prosperous physically and spiritually is everyone's dream. Material life is not a guarantee for someone to live a healthy and happy life. Those who are less in terms of material can also enjoy a healthy and happy life. Because, health is closely related to behavior or culture. Behavior or cultural change requires continuous education. In this case the attitude of environmental care must be fostered continuously so that later it will become a human who has a high environmental concern so that there will no longer be environmental damage caused by human activities in the future. So far, the presumption of a clean and healthy life is the responsibility of the doctor or the health sector. Though such an assumption is not justified, because a clean and healthy life is the rights and obligations of all people. When human attitudes about the environment and the impact of human activities are very neglected and unthinkable, when the environment is damaged and ecosystems are destroyed, the balance between life and other life will change, this has a negative impact on every living thing around it. So it is necessary to care for the environment. With the attitude of caring for the environment will make the atmosphere comfortable, peaceful, free from environmental damage. The attitude of caring for the environment can be shown by the existence of a positive attitude towards the environment. Like maintaining an environmental balance, understanding the importance of maintaining environmental cleanliness to protect the environment from pollution. The purpose of this activity is to encourage the community to be more sensitive to a sense of caring for the environment, the implementation of the activity of making this garbage container was realized in the neighborhood of RT 02 RW 10, BojongEmas Village. Even though it is still in a small scope, it is hoped that this activity will react to other neighborhoods to care more about cleanliness and garbage. The activity was held during Juni - Juli 2022. Involving students and the local community. A very good reception from the local community by working together to build a trash can, 2 garbage cans were built by placing locations: 2 in the middle area of RT 02. Hopefully this community service has been carried out with cleaner environmental conditions and the community cares more about the environment and can care for trash facilities.
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