Dewi Herti Fatimah, Syifa Wasilatul Fauziyah


This is the discussion about modality analyzed in Retno Marsudi's discourse at the United Nations General Assembly. A discourse does not seem to reappear at the interface of the political world, but in a discourse the use of modalities can also appear by the speaker. This asks for points to determine the use of modality in Retno Marsudi's discourse at the United Nations General Assembly meeting. This research analysis uses descriptive qualitative methods and Halliday's theory. The source of information for this question is Retno Marsudi's speech at the United Nations General Assembly which was taken from a YouTube video. Specifically, the object of this investigation is taken from Retno Marsudi's speech. Information investigation using purposive sampling technique. The results of this research were the found modality types of six high value modulation-obligations, five medium value modulation-obligation, two low value modulation-obligation, nine medium value modalization-probability, two low value modalization-probability. Rearchercer also found responsibility type of twenty-four subjective-implicit. So, from results of the analysis can be said that Retno used a lot of modality-modulation to give orders or suggestions dan subjective-implicit to give the impression of authoritarianism.

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