English Department, Faculty of Letters, Al-Ghifari University

Deina Dewi Puspita, Ria Nirwana, Fourus Huznatul Abqoriyyah


In this research, the researcher analyzed three components of semiotics as well as connotative and denotative meanings in iPhone advertisements. This analysis is related to the meaning or meaning of the print ads of some types of iPhone and the use of the language meaning in  the headline which is an important component in advertising. The language in the ads is used as a means of communicating between ads with buyers. These ads convey messages through language so that language should be made as attractive as possible to attract the attention of consumers. Researchers used twenty-five iPhone ads (first generation iPhone to iPhone X) as research objects analyzed using the semiotics theory of Pierce and Barthes and  advertising theory as a supporting theory. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. There are several steps of analysis performed: finding representament, object and interpretant of advertisement and explaining and determining the meaning of the sign used from the headline of each advertisement also find out how semiotic is used as a tool to convey the message of the advertisement. The analysis results show that the representament obtained from a headline words, logo and some picture which help ads to show the iPhone. An object described from the color of display, brightness also the background of the online ads itself and then interpretant is the relation between representament-object. From the headline found connotative sign contain the primacy from step, revolution, dimension that Apple’s company passed. While the denotation shows the privilege from specification, price, features which gave benefit people must choose and purchase the Apple product.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53675/gist.v1i1.31

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